Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna
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Massive Open Learning (MOOC) at JUET


As per UGC (Credit Framework for Online Learning Courses through SWAYAM) Regulations-2016, JUET offers Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for the benefit of students. In this regard, credits through MOOC courses can be earned as follows:


Students can avail a facility of earning upto 40% of the total courses being offered in a particular program in a semester through online learning courses (MOOCs).


MOOC courses eligible for this purpose are the courses offered by NPTEL/ SWAYAM only.

MOOC courses can be taken in respective area only in lieu of Elective courses such as HSS Electives, Science Electives, Open electives, Departmental Electives. No core, lab or project courses can be dropped in lieu of MOOC.

A student desirous of opting for a MOOC shall submit an application not later than one week prior to the scheduled normal date of semester registration to the Dean (A&R) through concerned HOD giving the following details :

Course Title, Agency Offering MOOC, Examination system and Credits of the Course, Timing and duration of course and its examination, Centres of conducting of examination and facilities at the centre of the examination to be opted by the candidate.
The course to be dropped in lieu of the MOOC in transcript and electives opted in current semester.

On receipt of the application, HoD shall constitute a committee of at least 3 members with himself as Chairman and two other members. This committee shall examine the proposal in detail regarding course contents, examination system, suitability of the course and equivalence of course as per the Institute norms and give its recommendations for approval or non-approval including any special conditions to be imposed.


Chosen MOOC Course should not have overlapping with any of the previously studied Courses or currently opted Courses and evaluation of the proposed course must be through at least one proctored examination of minimum 60% weightage.


The application along with the recommendations of the committee shall be discussed by the HoD with the Dean (A&R) in a meeting for final approval or rejection of the proposal.


Fee and other charges, if any, payable to MOOC providing and certification agency shall be borne by concerned student at his/ her own level.


The student shall submit to the Registrar the original certificate issued by MOOC authorities along with a photocopy of the same. The original will be returned after verification and verification shall be certified by the Registrar on the photocopy which shall be kept in records.


An equivalent Grade corresponding to grade/ marks awarded by MOOC agency shall be determined by a committee consisting of Dean (A&R) and HoD. This equivalent Grade shall be shown in the transcript and accounted in the SGPA and CGPA calculations.


Following credits will be assigned to the courses completed through the MOOCs

4 week course : 1 Credit

8 week course : 2 Credits

12 week course : 3 Credits

Here 1 credit is equivalent to 16 hours of learner engagement.